Google Posts now available on GMB

Google Posts is now accessible for all businesses using Google My Business.

Updates shared on Google Posts will appear as part of the business’ map result, as well as in the web search results.

Previously, the Google Posts service was only available to presidential candidates for the American election, then later to a handful of small businesses.

Major Google Algorithm update

Tracking tools were showing high volatility in the search results near the end of June, indicating that a major Google update was likely.

RankRanger and SEMrush, amongst others, were showing high amounts of fluctuation for the sites they track, beginning on or around 25 June.

Google spokespeople have not confirmed or denied that any update occurred and there is little information on what this may be targeting.

EU Issues Google with a €2.4B fine

The EU has levelled a €2.4 billion fine against Google for it’s Shopping search, claiming that they have abused their power.

This is the conclusion of a decade-long case claiming that Google favours its own content in search results, harming competitors.

The search giant now has 90 days to offer an “equal treatment” solution or risk more fines.

Improvements to hotel search

Google has been gradually improving its hotel search with new features recently.

The updated layout now features a price range slider, a new layout with price labelling and the full number of hotels within the current view.

It is thought that these updates will help Google to compete with dedicated hotel search engines like and Expedia.